Well, this is interesting. Someone has approached the group about a radio interview; a paranormal program out of Lincoln. If the interview actually takes place, it won't be until sometime in 2014 - we will keep you posted, though, as we get more details!
We recently received some very interesting historical information concerning the Homerville area and its cemeteries from one of our website visitors. We are honored and privileged to have received this donation to the site! Please click to the Homerville page for documents and photos! Thank you very much for visiting the website!
The Nebraska Phantasms revealed their findings concerning the investigation of the Shelton Historical Society to the Lincoln Highway Association Board of Directors, Monday March 4th, 2013.
Reception and interest was good. :-)
The investigation report and EVPs have been posted to the site.
Thank you very much for visiting the site! 
The Shelton investigations were very interesting. Lots of audio to go through, though. Will let you know if there are any interesting evp's
Fall is here, and October starts with two investigations; right before Halloween! Between that and football, the next two weeks are going to be full. :-)
Well, our prime season is underway with a great start! Hope to have details posted soon! Thank you for visiting the site!
Finally! Some warmer weather! Really starts to get the urge to investigate going! I hope it lasts! Another positive: the mild winter means that there shouldn't be much issue from the melt-off; the mud, etc. Now, that's not to say that it won't rain this spring, but we aren't starting with saturated earth.
We should have some new EVPs posted soon! :-)
Three new EVPs have been posted under the Sites tab. Enjoy! :-)
Two orb photos have been posted under the Sites tab. Anonymous, but interesting! What do you think?