Well, we are working on getting items for the group, such as tees and pins... more details to follow!
More photos from the Garfield Cemetery have been posted, as well as some photos & one EVP from another visit to the Homerville Cemetery.
Photos from the Garfield Cemetery have been posted.
Well, the last of the Shelton Hotel investigations has taken place, and the report posted. Another EVP from the first investigation was also posted. There may be more as the investigators sift through the data and find things that may be overlooked, etc.
Demolition of the structure has begun; we are privileged to have been given the opportunity to capture some small part of what the essence of the place was... what stories it had left to tell... to preserve
Hello, Readers!
I was just reminded that, tomorrow will mark one year since our first investigation! My how time has flown! Now, we have been an organized group for longer, but that is still a milestone!
Updates to the site were posted over the holiday weekend. An old photo of the Shelton Hotel, as well as some history and one of the investigation reports. Ot
EVP's from the Shelton Hotel have been posted. Look under the third investigation. Listen and decide. :-)
Dennis has finally agreed that a Facebook page might be useful. So, I have created one. Feel free to "like" us! The Facebook page is not intended to replace this website, though.
More like a 'teaser'; another way to stay updated on what is going on, and to get more feedback from our followers. As always, please feel free to send us comments, etc.
Thank you!
More photos from the Shelton hotel added today. A third visit with one of the owners, and a reveal of one of the EVP's captured.
Entered a new survey under the Phenomena tab; it's about blood types. No, I am not an undercover Red Cross agent, I have just been reading some things lately that had me curious about what the distribution of blood types were amongst the folks that come to the site. Mostly affinity to the paranormal, etc. And, mostly personal curiosity. I didn't want to skew the results by saying what was what, until I had a few votes. I think it is quite interesting, especially when you start looking at similarities. Just for fun & trivia's sake, of course!