Kronborg information finally posted. Could not get the map to work, though. Maybe later. It is easy to look up via Google Maps, etc.
Working on a few more ideas to post; stay tuned! :-)
Added some photos from another cemetery site check! :-)
Well, got the photos and the partial report posted - finally!
Yes, there is even more coming; soon. Just got to get a little time, haha! Tidbits, and a new investigation. :-) Thank you for your patience!
Hopefully some new tidbits to be added soon; stay tuned! :-)
Finally finished adding the text for Fort Banishment. I think that takes care of the bulk of the ideas we have recently gathered. There may be a couple of smaller, less developed things added here and there.
Finally got some updates done. Have been so busy, lately. 
I figured out how to stack the links, so the tabs look neater, etc. Much more streamlined, now. Feel like an oaf, though; it was really easy. Duh. ;-)
I have some more tidbits to post, just not having enough time right now. Working on it as I have time. Having to research the ideas first is what kind of sucked some of my time away. But I do so love the research. Ah well. Be patient; I will get it done. :-)
We had an interesting investigation that went really well over the weekend of the 17th. Too bad we can't post anything about it. At least, not yet. Maybe sometime in the future.
It was extremely informative, though, as far as gear we may need to have handy next time, etc.