More Homerville cemetery photos added! Thanks, Dennis! :-)
I have posted a sampling of 6 EVP's from the Frederick investigation. There are 3 that I personally felt were especially significant; but you listen and decide. (having the volume UP helps) Please remember that different speakers, etc, will give different results.
Two small audio files have been posted; not from the Frederick investigation, but still interesting.
The report of the October investigation of the Frederick Hotel is now posted to the site. Once the audio selections have been finalized, a sampling of the audio from the investigation will also be posted. Feedback from previous audio postings indicate that they do indeed function, although not as "slick" an interface as some other websites. ;-)
Added a bit of humor; added a page or two. Have a report and sound clips, etc to add, still. I am again hopeful the weekend will allow me some time. :-)




Dennis has contributed some great quotes for the front page. I am still working on getting some more goodies posted. Holidays and work and weather are a busy combination!
Got a sneak preview of some new EVP's from a recent investigation... wow... even with my measly laptop speakers, I was fascinated & creeped-out (a little). Good work everyone! Hopefully soon more info will be posted to the site. Thanks for the patience, everyone! :-)
Well, we have earned a whopping $2.20 with the ads so far... ;-) And you know, that it totally all right. If you wanna click, go for it; but we will never pressure or guilt-trip if you don't. So much better than the in-laws! Ha ha ha. Apt comparison, considering the Holidays are almost upon us. ;-)

Finally, with the onset of all this colder weather, I am getting time to add things to the site. :-) Dennis added an update to the front page, and I am getting tidbits inserted here and there. :-) Hope it is enough to tide everyone over until the next big investigation is added! :-) Thanks for being patient, everyone! A
Added some anecdotal info about another idea; a grave in the Aurora cemetery. I doubt with all the traffic, there'd be much energy left - if the stories are even true. Might be a good one to debunk. Maybe further research could shed some light on things.