Yes, there is even more coming; soon. Just got to get a little time, haha! Tidbits, and a new investigation. :-) Thank you for your patience!
Hopefully some new tidbits to be added soon; stay tuned! :-)
Finally finished adding the text for Fort Banishment. I think that takes care of the bulk of the ideas we have recently gathered. There may be a couple of smaller, less developed things added here and there.
Finally got some updates done. Have been so busy, lately. 
I figured out how to stack the links, so the tabs look neater, etc. Much more streamlined, now. Feel like an oaf, though; it was really easy. Duh. ;-)
I have some more tidbits to post, just not having enough time right now. Working on it as I have time. Having to research the ideas first is what kind of sucked some of my time away. But I do so love the research. Ah well. Be patient; I will get it done. :-)
Well, we have worked out a logo design. Certainly not set in stone forever, but I think it turned out all right. :-) Hopefully it will look good on the website, etc.
We now have a new page added, "Phenomena", which will include things that fall beyond the realm of ghosts, and ghost-related topics.
I have also added a short comment about the Boot Hill EVP's, in case anyone was waiting for them.
We are also working on a logo design; at least, a logo to start with. Updates will follow! :-)
D has refined the opening dialog for the front page; I think it is a good addition.
Still working on the EVP's... proving to be more difficult than I thought...