Well, looks like I am closer to trying to post the EVP recordings to the site; I am interested to see if I can get it to work!
To remove the "weebly" from our link, and have it look more "traditional" (".com"), will cost $40. A year. So, that seems like a nice goal, maybe. Or, maybe the funds are better used to get supplies, etc. Whenever we actually have some funds, we can make that choice.
Well, I have started the process to start putting a few ads on the website. It's a 2-3 day process, I guess; I haven't even given them account info, yet, either.  (?) I have found out that we can't use PayPal, so, I think I will opt for paper checks - IF we ever make enough to ever get a check... ha-ha. We get 50% of all revenue. They pay once a month, and won't pay it it is less than $10 bucks. So... it may be interesting. We shall see. I had to create an email address, and a Google dashboard-account. So, we do have an email address: [email protected]
I made a silly avatar, but I may just put a photo up. Generic landscape, or something. We will see. So! Email if you would like to be a contact connection, etc! :-)
Well, thanks to voters, we are now sitting at 9 "yes" votes, and 3 "no" votes for adding the ads to the site. Dennis has said that we should go ahead and try it; we can always cancel them if we decide that we don't like them. If I have time this weekend, I will start working on what that all entails...
Wow, campers... more rain... doesn't make for very good hunting conditions, but it is good for the earth. And the cool temps put a damper on things, as well...
Hopefully soon, the weather will warm up, and ideas will start congealing... :-)
I am really happy that there have been some more votes about the ads... but dang-it! we are still at a 50/50 draw! :-)
Well, maybe we will get more votes as we add content...
While I woudn't think that one person's individual, personal  experiences would be subject to dictation or control by anyone else, I have submitted to the whims of a completely noninterested stranger and removed something they felt was "offensive". It is a bit irking, but the sooner we are rid that negative influence, the better. Be done with it; "good riddance to bad rubbish", I guess. Too bad, though. Free speech, and all that. My first thought was, "well, too bad you can't just block someone from having access to the site" (you can, but then it would have to be password protected, etc), and then I felt like, "you know what - you don't like it, don't look at it..."
Then I realized that this stranger was getting what they wanted; to drag others into their reality and through their drama.
So... I resolutely refuse to let that happen.
But, I may consider adding a disclaimer to the site.




Added some thought about the ads that may - or may not - be included here, on the website. I am glad that there are a few votes, finally. Seems, so far, most people are in the 'maybe' category... which is why the comment was included. Please comment if you have any thoughts on the subject. Thank you.
I have changed the poll; it was to vague and not written correctly, in my opinion. Maybe we will get more votes with this new poll. There were only 3 votes before, and so not much was lost. :-) VOTE, DAMMIT! haha
Added some meta search terms; maybe now, there is more of a chance that it may come up in a search or two.